Monday, April 4, 2011

Granola Muffins

I have been making granola almost every weekend.  It started when one of my friends from school was doing South Beach and said she had trouble thinking of things to eat for breakfast that were whole grain.  I suggested granola and she said she would buy some.  BUY some?!  Um, no.  You can make that yourself in like 5 seconds and it is a hundred times better.  She has no interest in doing that, though, so I said I would make her some.  And then I just kept making it every week.

Recently I had a little too much granola.  I saw these Granola Muffins in the NY Times Recipes for Health section and I really wanted to make them.  I used the Honey Granola I made from the Rose Bakery cookbook (I'll post about that soon).  I used dried cranberries here.  I think they taste great, and what a fantastic way to use up extra granola!  I put a bunch in the freezer, so we will get to enjoy them for a while.

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